Thursday, September 9, 2010

Nose Cold Sores - Get Rid of Cold Sore

Cold sores and fever blisters are a scourge on the human face of more than 2000 years. They were and still are, a global epidemic. Historically, the Romans were cursed with them. In fact, they have had such an outbreak of cold sores and fever blisters occurred in Rome, the emperor banished kissing in public ceremonies. Today it is estimated that nine out of ten men, women and children suffer from the virus that causes these unsightly blisters. In extreme circumstances cold sores can spread to different parts of your face and body and on occasions even manifest themselves as nose cold sores.

In order to prevent permanent problems with cold sores you should find the best way of treating your cold sores. The best methods will  not only look at a short term cure but also, how to prevent future outbreaks. Some people call them cold sores. Others refer to them as  fever blisters. The truth is, these are two different names for the same thing. Both are an outbreak of a form of the herpes virus, HSV1 which is responsible for all herpes type infections above the waist including cold sores. 

The cause for this unsightly and painful blisters is the herpes simplex virus type 1. We all have different viruses in our body at any given time. Most, such as colds and flu viruses, eventually disappear. This is not true with the herpes virus. This virus will stay with you throughout your life. albeit that it is usually dormant. Cold sores and fever blisters are dangerously contagious. During an outbreak, you can easily transmit the virus to another person.  What's more, cold sores can easily spread to other areas of the body, like your face, eyes and nose.

Some people recommend cleaning with alcohol on cotton wool pads or garlic or oregano oil. It is advised that when you have an outbreak of cold sores that you do not kiss anyone, anywhere as the virus is one of the most highly contagious known. The frequency and severity of your cold sores are highly dependent on such variables as your physical condition and your diet and stress levels. The strength of your immune system. will also be a factor in determining how quickly you will be rid of the ugly cold sores at the time of any given outbreak.  What is known is that some people are more predisposed than others to frequent outbreaks of cold sores.

There are several natural and ways recommended to heal cold sores quickly and prevent cold sores and fever blisters. Lysine is a natural remedy for the herpes virus. It works very well with the dose of 1000-3000 mg. per day during the outbreak. Studies have shown that the body can develop a tolerance for lysine. Any person who is prone to cold sores and fever blisters, should also take a good multivitamin. which in the longer term should boost your immune system and better enable you to fight off recurring attacks.

For a longer term holistic approach to the root cause of the problem you would do better to look at one of the highly efficient natural remedies available today. Whilst the virus might remain in your system for your lifetime, whether you suffer from outbreaks or not depends on how you deal with the root causes of the cold sores. Personally, since discovering the e-book cold sore free forever I have not suffered from another outbreak and feel confident that having addressed the root cause, I should be free of cold sores forever. 

Click here for an instant and permanent cure for your cold sores and nose cold sores

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get Rid Of Cold Sores Forever

Rid of Cold Sores Forever

Cold sores are blisters that form on the outside of the mouth, nostrils, and sometimes in other places on the face.

Before the blisters crust over and leave, they will break open and leak. Cold sore cures try their best to keep these sores at bay.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes Simplex Virus (usually type 1). Genital herpes on the other hand is usually caused by the type 2 virus.

Most people carry the cold sore virus and may not know it because they don’t have symptoms. The virus actually remains in the nerve endings of your body.

There are various reasons why an outbreak will occur: fever, overexposure to the sun, stress, exposure to extreme temperatures, menstruation, local skin trauma, and general ill health.

Cold sores that revolve around heat exposure are also sometimes called “fever blisters,” even though it is still the herpes virus. Cold sores generally occur when the immune system is weak, for example, when you already have a cold.

Some of the common cold sore symptoms includes: an irritation 2-3 days before the blister appears, the affected area is sensitive to the touch, a swollen red area will appear, blisters appear on the location, the blisters enlarge and burst open, the blisters crust over to form scabs, and they usually diminish all together within 7 to 10 days.

Because herpes is very contagious, it is recommended that you find cold sore cures. If a member of your family has a cold sore, there is a 90% chance that you could get it.

The odds are rather high. To prevent spreading herpes, you should wash your hands frequently, and avoid kissing or drinking out of the same cup.

If you have a cold sore that appears near your eye, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. If you can determine that it is a cold sore before the sore appears, that is even a better time to get treated.

You don’t have to suffer from cold sores. With proper cold sore cures you will not only feel better physically, but better about yourself socially.

Get Rid Of Cold Sores Forever

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Cold Sores and Nose Cold Sores

Do you constantly have cold sores? In extreme cases they can spread to different parts of your face. Some have even been known to contract nose cold sores.

Cold sores are unsightly and more often than not, painful too. They are part of the Herpes Simplex virus family and caused predominantly by the HSV1 virus.

If you have a history of dealing with cold sores, you know first hand how embarrassing it can be to have cold sores on your lips, face or nose, generally at the most inconvenient of times too!

Why is it that cold sores come out around important events. The simple answer is because as a general rule, at such times we are exposed to stress. When you experience stressful situations in life your immune system levels diminish which makes it easier to catch something.

Cold sores can also be caused by a variety of other influences including overexposure to sunlight, fever, poor diet and in particular, too much sugar, and as a side effect of being run down due to other illnesses.

When you get a cold sore, it usually shows up on the outside of the mouth and lips. Nose cold sores will occasionally appear on the lower extremities of the nose.

It is important to remember that as a member of the herpes family, cold sores are contagious. It is best to not kiss another person or drink from the same cup when you have an outbreak.

For that reason alone, cold sore sufferers are eager to find a cold sore cure quickly. Left largely untreated, cold sores can last up to two weeks. When you feel one coming on, you should act quickly to treat the sores to avoid the spread of the sores.

There are a number of cold sore remedies available on the market, but they usually only work temporarily to alleviate the symptoms rather than cure them. In addition, they sometimes have harmful side effects, so you need to be careful when using them. Over the counter or prescription creams and antibiotics are usually really expensive too. Because of that,many people are turning to natural cold sore cures because they want something that works and is cost effective.

Finding a 100% natural cold sore cures which is safe and cheap has, until now always been an issue. A good natural remedy will not only cure the infection but also address what caused it in the first place. This makes healing a lot faster and more effective long term.

The great news is that there is now a 100% natural way of dealing with cold sores as well as those nasty and unsightly nose cold sores. Click through on any of the links in this post to check one of them out.