Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Get Rid Of Cold Sores Forever

Rid of Cold Sores Forever

Cold sores are blisters that form on the outside of the mouth, nostrils, and sometimes in other places on the face.

Before the blisters crust over and leave, they will break open and leak. Cold sore cures try their best to keep these sores at bay.

Cold sores are caused by the herpes Simplex Virus (usually type 1). Genital herpes on the other hand is usually caused by the type 2 virus.

Most people carry the cold sore virus and may not know it because they don’t have symptoms. The virus actually remains in the nerve endings of your body.

There are various reasons why an outbreak will occur: fever, overexposure to the sun, stress, exposure to extreme temperatures, menstruation, local skin trauma, and general ill health.

Cold sores that revolve around heat exposure are also sometimes called “fever blisters,” even though it is still the herpes virus. Cold sores generally occur when the immune system is weak, for example, when you already have a cold.

Some of the common cold sore symptoms includes: an irritation 2-3 days before the blister appears, the affected area is sensitive to the touch, a swollen red area will appear, blisters appear on the location, the blisters enlarge and burst open, the blisters crust over to form scabs, and they usually diminish all together within 7 to 10 days.

Because herpes is very contagious, it is recommended that you find cold sore cures. If a member of your family has a cold sore, there is a 90% chance that you could get it.

The odds are rather high. To prevent spreading herpes, you should wash your hands frequently, and avoid kissing or drinking out of the same cup.

If you have a cold sore that appears near your eye, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. If you can determine that it is a cold sore before the sore appears, that is even a better time to get treated.

You don’t have to suffer from cold sores. With proper cold sore cures you will not only feel better physically, but better about yourself socially.

Get Rid Of Cold Sores Forever

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